"This powerful novel is weird and soul-thrilling." The Scotsman. Cyril Forrester, a young Englishman traveling on the Continent, chances to meet a secretive old man and his ward, a lovely young violinist named Valerie. Enthralled by Valerie's beauty and disturbed by the elderly Egyptian's depravity, Forrester follows the couple around Europe. A sinister plot is slowly revealed, in which a mummy's curse threatens to destroy the Western world. Victorian readers had a passion for tales of mystery and intrigue in exotic settings, especially those involving supernatural powers. This...
"This powerful novel is weird and soul-thrilling." The Scotsman. Cyril Forrester, a young Englishman traveling on the Continent, chances to ...
This collection of literature attempts to compile many of the classic works that have stood the test of time and offer them at a reduced, affordable price, in an attractive volume so that everyone can enjoy them.
This collection of literature attempts to compile many of the classic works that have stood the test of time and offer them at a reduced, affordable p...
We were in Venice; Venice the silent and mysterious; the one European city of which I never tire. My wife had not enjoyed good health for some months past, and for this reason we had been wintering in Southern Italy. After that we had come slowly north, spending a month in Florence, and a fortnight in Rome en route, until we found ourselves in Venice, occupying a suite of apartments at Galaghetti's famous hotel overlooking the Grand Canal. Our party was a small one; it consisted of my wife, her friend, Gertrude Trevor, and myself, Richard Hatteras, once of the South Sea Islands, but now of...
We were in Venice; Venice the silent and mysterious; the one European city of which I never tire. My wife had not enjoyed good health for some months ...
"One of the most unjustly neglected crime and mystery authors of the turn of the century." -Peter Haining, "The Art of Mystery & Detection Stories"
Dr. Nikola's Experiment is narrated by a young scientist, Dr. Douglas Ingleby. This entry in the celebrated Victorian crime series largely concerns Dr. Nikola's experimentation with the reversal of aging by perfecting the elixir vitae formula stolen from the Tibetan Lamaserai. The subject of Nikola's experiments is the dying Don Miguel de Moreno. While Nikola's experiments in restoring the Don to health and vigor succeed, it also derails his...
"One of the most unjustly neglected crime and mystery authors of the turn of the century." -Peter Haining, "The Art of Mystery & Detection Stories"...
If John Grantham Browne had a fault-which, mind you, I am not prepared to admit-it lay in the fact that he was the possessor of a cynical wit which he was apt at times to use upon his friends with somewhat peculiar effect. Circumstances alter cases, and many people would have argued that he was perfectly entitled to say what he pleased. When a man is worth a hundred and twenty thousand pounds a year-which, worked out, means ten thousand pounds a month, three hundred and twenty-eight pounds, fifteen shillings and fourpence a day, and four-and-sixpence three-farthings, and a fraction over, per...
If John Grantham Browne had a fault-which, mind you, I am not prepared to admit-it lay in the fact that he was the possessor of a cynical wit which he...
I suppose to every man, at some period in his life, there comes some adventure upon which, in after life, he is destined to look back with a feeling that is very near akin to astonishment. Somebody has said that adventures are to the adventurous. In my case I must confess that I do not see how the remark applies. I was certainly fourteen years at sea, but in all that time, beyond having once fallen overboard in Table Bay, and, of course, the great business of which it is the purpose of this book to tell you, I cannot remember any circumstance that I could dignify with the title of an...
I suppose to every man, at some period in his life, there comes some adventure upon which, in after life, he is destined to look back with a feeling t...