Ten years after training with renowned martial arts Master Wu Wei, Dante is sent to attend a special promotion. After participating in the special promotion, Dante finds himself thrust into the hidden world of the Spiritual Warriors, a group of men and women, fighters with special abilities who are trained and dedicated to keeping this plane of existence safe from evil. He discovers that a war has been raging between the Warriors, those sworn to protect this plane of existence from destruction and the Shadows, those who would see it enslaved under the rule of evil. After being captured by...
Ten years after training with renowned martial arts Master Wu Wei, Dante is sent to attend a special promotion. After participating in the special pro...
Ascendants are being killed and the barrier between worlds is failing. Dante, along with a group of Warriors and Guardians must confront the Harbinger. An undying servant of Lucius, a killer who can't die. His purpose is to destroy the barriers and recapture Maelstrom-a sentient weapon of evil created by his master and wielded by Dante. Can Dante learn how to control Maelstrom before the evil corrupts and kills him? Can the Warriors of the Way stop the Harbinger, and prevent the fall of the barriers before it's too late? Or will Lucius escape and kill them all?
Ascendants are being killed and the barrier between worlds is failing. Dante, along with a group of Warriors and Guardians must confront the Harbinger...