This book is a comprehensive source for technical information regarding ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) and its application to air and surface disinfection for the control of pathogens and allergens. The primary focus is on airborne microbes and surface contamination applications for hospitals, commercial facilities, and residential homes. All aspects of UVGI systems, including design methods, sizing methods, modeling, safety, installation, testing, guidelines, and disinfection theory are addressed in detail. An extensive database of over six hundred UV rate constant studies is...
This book is a comprehensive source for technical information regarding ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) and its application to air and surfa...
This book is a comprehensive source for technical information regarding ultra- oletgermicidalirradiation(UVGI)anditsapplicationtoairandsurfacedisinf- tion for the control of pathogens and allergens. The primary focus is on airborne microbesandsurfacecontaminationapplications.Water-basedapplicationsarenot addressedhereexceptincidentallyastheyrelatetoairandsurfacemicrobes, since manyadequatetextsonwater-basedUVdisinfectionareavailable.Allaspectsof UVGIsystems, includingdesignmethods, modeling, safety, installation, guidelines,...
This book is a comprehensive source for technical information regarding ultra- oletgermicidalirradiation(UVGI)anditsapplicationtoairandsurfacedisinf- ...