An entire generation has lived enamoured of The Little Prince written by Antoine de Saint Exupery and continues to dream about him. And now, taking over the torch - since she was born almost when he disappeared into the sky-, the author of this short novel for children of all ages, especially the age of grandparents, arrives to bring us The Little Girl Who Made God Laugh. A great admirer and lover of the Little Prince, she has created a Little Princess for him, so that he never has to leave our world again. Preciada Azancot, renowned as the creator of MAT (Metamodel of Analysis that...
An entire generation has lived enamoured of The Little Prince written by Antoine de Saint Exupery and continues to dream about him. And now, taking ov...
"This book about safety and fear reveals a fundamental aspect of MAT, the first precise science of the human being, a revolution without precedent in the human sciences, of which it has been said with reasonable grounds that "MAT represents for the human sciences what the Theory of Relativity represented for the physical sciences in its day." This work has the advantage of putting complex, profound concepts of vital relevance within the reach of the public at large through enjoyable and testimonial dialogues that will make readers reflect profoundly while guiding them on the thrilling path of...
"This book about safety and fear reveals a fundamental aspect of MAT, the first precise science of the human being, a revolution without precedent in ...
Este libro ensena a conocerse y comprenderse radicalmente a si mismo, y a conocer y comprender radicalmente a los demas. Este libro nos revela las posibilidades propias que ignorabamos, todo lo que podemos llegar a ser. Este libro nos hace descubrir el modo de empatizar sin obstaculos con los demas, de llegar al corazon del otro mediante la observacion, de echar por tierra las barreras de la incomprension entre los seres humanos. Este libro ensena a redimensionar y trascender la ideologias y, tambien a conocer las grandes corrientes subterraneas que han regido y regiran la historia del mundo....
Este libro ensena a conocerse y comprenderse radicalmente a si mismo, y a conocer y comprender radicalmente a los demas. Este libro nos revela las pos...
Todos venimos al mundo con un bello proyecto para realizar: ser nosotros mismos al maximo de las posibilidades existentes. Desde el mismo momento en que somos concebidos, la ley natural que rige la evolucion de lo vivo existente, nos posibilita -de conocerla y actuarla- el pleno desarrollo de nuestras capacidades y habilidades, ofreciendonos, para cada edad, todo un universo, un amplisimo abanico de puertas que abrir y que conquistar, y permitiendonos a lo largo de la vida, auparnos hacia cotas de mayor felicidad. Y esto, de manera universal y gratuita, para todos nosotros. Entonces, por que...
Todos venimos al mundo con un bello proyecto para realizar: ser nosotros mismos al maximo de las posibilidades existentes. Desde el mismo momento en q...