Democracy, Nationalism and Multiculturalism provides an up-to-date review of subnational and multicultural issues in Western multinational states. The book includes normative, institutional and comparative accounts of key issues such as: * politics and policies of accommodation * multiculturalism * recognition of group rights * federalist reforms and debates in Canada and European states * the political construction of the European Union.
Democracy, Nationalism and Multiculturalism provides an up-to-date review of subnational and multicultural issues in Western multinational st...
This book provides a theoretical and comparative analysis of federalism and federations in plurinational democracies, examining how states with distinct peoples and communities coexist (or not). Through a theoretical approach to democracy and federalism, and interdisciplinary analysis of plurinationality in state organization, including case studies of the UK, Russia, Canada, Belgium, India, Spain, Switzerland and Bolivia, this text assesses the possibilities and limits of federalism as a way to recognize and accommodate multinationalism in plurinational democracies. It evaluates a range of...
This book provides a theoretical and comparative analysis of federalism and federations in plurinational democracies, examining how states with distin...
Esta breve publicacion analiza la legitimidad politica en las democracias actuales a partir del paso de la nocion kantiana de la insociable sociabilidad a la eticidad hegeliana. Dichos conceptos, que presentan una clara filiacion hobbesiana, entroncan con algunos temas de la filosofia politica contemporanea, tales como el pluralismo de valores, las relaciones internacionales en un mundo global o la acomodacion del pluralismo cultural y nacional en las democracias actuales. Los autores defienden la conveniencia de introducir una perspectiva hegeliana basada en la interaccion al lado de la...
Esta breve publicacion analiza la legitimidad politica en las democracias actuales a partir del paso de la nocion kantiana de la insociable sociabilid...
How can democracies deal with plurality? This book looks at the political accommodation of national plurality in liberal democracies and in the European Union at the turn of the century. Its panel of international authorities examines this issue from a variety of perspectives, considering questions of citizenship, multiculturalism, immigration and equality. The contributors, many of whom have set the terms of this debate in international political science, include Will Kymlicka, Carlos Closa, Michael Keating, Enric Fossas, Wayne Norman and Ricard Zapata Barrero.
How can democracies deal with plurality? This book looks at the political accommodation of national plurality in liberal democracies and in the Europe...
La construction de democraties de plus en plus complexes en termes nationaux et culturels constitue un des defis majeurs que doivent relever les democraties liberales. Celles-ci se voient sans cesse remises en question sur les plans politique et constitutionnel par les nations minoritaires qui les faconnent. Tiraillees entre des imperatifs de stabilite et de justice, les nations majoritaires et minoritaires misent sur des modeles de pluralisme national concurrents. La Catalogne et le Quebec sont a cet egard des exemples paradigmatiques. Le present ouvrage explore les parcours historiques...
La construction de democraties de plus en plus complexes en termes nationaux et culturels constitue un des defis majeurs que doivent relever les democ...
The book focuses on a topical question: are the old secularist arrangements well-equipped to tackle the challenge of fast-growing religious pluralism? Or should we move to new post-secular arrangements that are fairer and more efficient in dealing with pluralism in Europe? Offering an interdisciplinary approach that combines political theory and legal analysis, the authors tackle two interrelated facets of this controversial question, a theoretical and a practical one: Part 1 explores what post-secularism is and its relation to secularism; and examines whether post-secularism convincingly...
The book focuses on a topical question: are the old secularist arrangements well-equipped to tackle the challenge of fast-growing religious pluralism?...
This book provides a theoretical and comparative analysis of federalism and federations in plurinational democracies, examining how states with distinct peoples and communities coexist (or not).
Through a theoretical approach to democracy and federalism, and interdisciplinary analysis of plurinationality in state organization, including case studies of the UK, Russia, Canada, Belgium, India, Spain, Switzerland and Bolivia, this text assesses the possibilities and limits of federalism as a way to recognize and accommodate multinationalism in plurinational democracies. It evaluates a...
This book provides a theoretical and comparative analysis of federalism and federations in plurinational democracies, examining how states with dis...
There are numerous examples of how religion and nationalism intertwine. In some cases, a common religion is the fundamental marker of a nation's identity, whereas in others secular nationalism tries to hold together people of different religious beliefs.
This book examines the link between religion and nationalism in contemporary polities. By exploring case studies on India, Russia, Israel, Canada, Chechnya, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Belgium, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Sri Lanka, Catalonia and the Basque Country, it seeks to understand the relationship between these two key societal...
There are numerous examples of how religion and nationalism intertwine. In some cases, a common religion is the fundamental marker of a nation's id...
La presente etude s est vue decerner par l Association espagnole de science politique le Prix du meilleur livre en 2006. Le federalisme permet-il aux societes multinationales d exprimer de maniere realiste et equitable leurs objectifs a travers les structures politiques reactualisees ? Le present ouvrage analyse sous un regard nouveau la position democratique du pluralisme national au sein des Etats federaux et de ceux en voie de federalisation. Par le passe, les partisans du federalisme et du liberalisme politique traditionnels abordaient la question du pluralisme...
La presente etude s est vue decerner par l Association espagnole de science politique le Prix du meilleur livre en 2006. Le federali...
This book addresses the democratic accommodation of national pluralism through federal rules. The key question is: can federalism be a fair and workable way of articulating multinational societies according to revised liberal-democratic patterns? In recent years, scholarly discussion on this issue has undergone a change. Nowadays, the answer to this question is much more complex than the one that traditional political liberalism and federalism used to give us. In the past, these two political approaches usually addressed the question of political pluralism without seriously including...
This book addresses the democratic accommodation of national pluralism through federal rules. The key question is: can federalism be a fair and wor...