The mission of the Department of Defense is to protect the American people and advance our nation's interests. In executing these responsibilities, we must recognize that first and foremost, the United States is a nation at war. In Afghanistan, our forces fight alongside allies and partners in renewed efforts to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat Al Qaeda and the Taliban. In Iraq, U.S. military personnel advise, train, and support Iraqi forces as part of a responsible transition and drawdown. Above all, the United States and its allies and partners remain engaged in a broader war-a multifaceted...
The mission of the Department of Defense is to protect the American people and advance our nation's interests. In executing these responsibilities, we...
This lesson will discuss the basic building blocks of the atmosphere, beginning with the lower layers in which most flight activity occurs. These layers have particular temperature characteristics that affect many aspects of weather, and thus are important to the understanding of later chapters. Pressure is another characteristic of the atmosphere which enables meteorologists to track weather phenomena as they move across the surface of the earth. Additionally, pressure is important to the aviation community since one of the most basic flight instruments, the barometric altimeter, operates...
This lesson will discuss the basic building blocks of the atmosphere, beginning with the lower layers in which most flight activity occurs. These laye...
This publication serves as a guide and a reference for trained members of the Armed Forces Medical Services and other medically qualified personnel on the recognition and treatment of nuclear and radiological casualties. Scope a. This publication. (1) Classifies and describes potential nuclear and radiological threats and hazards. (2) Describes the biological aspects of blast, thermal radiation, and ionizing radiation and its effects on organs and systems of the body. (3) Describes procedures for first aid, medical diagnosing, treating, and management of nuclear and radiological casualties....
This publication serves as a guide and a reference for trained members of the Armed Forces Medical Services and other medically qualified personnel on...
This booklet provides illustrations and brief descriptions of the decorations and awards that may be earned by members of the armed forces. It also includes descriptions of top civilian awards issued by DoD and the services as well as charts on the order of precedence for wearing individual decorations and awards.
This booklet provides illustrations and brief descriptions of the decorations and awards that may be earned by members of the armed forces. It also in...
The Preseparation Guide was developed primarily to augment the four components of TAP with special emphasis on the preseparation counseling component. The guide provides information on the various services and benefits available to separating and retiring Service members and their families. Information contained in the guide may also be used by Department of Defense civilian employees affected by downsizing, reductions in force (RIFs), base closures, and base realignments.
The Preseparation Guide was developed primarily to augment the four components of TAP with special emphasis on the preseparation counseling component....
Potential adversaries of the United States continue to pursue weapons of mass destruction (WMD) to enhance their international influence and achieve greater strategic leverage against U.S. advantages. Increased access to expertise, materials, and technologies heightens the risk that these adversaries will seek, acquire, proliferate, and employ WMD. Furthermore, instability in states pursuing or possessingWMD or related capabilities could lead to dangerousWMD crises. The Department of Defense Strategy for Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction seeks to en-sure that the United States and its...
Potential adversaries of the United States continue to pursue weapons of mass destruction (WMD) to enhance their international influence and achieve g...
Afghan security forces held their own against the insurgency, sustained the gains made in the 2013 fighting season and successfully secured the presidential and provincial council elections on April 5, 2014. Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) capabilities continued to expand during the reporting period, while insurgent territorial influence and kinetic capabilities remained static. The ANSF and Afghan election institutions laid the groundwork for a successful election, registering millions of voters and securing thousands of polling sites, with minimal international assistance. These...
Afghan security forces held their own against the insurgency, sustained the gains made in the 2013 fighting season and successfully secured the presid...
The Department of Defense uses the 960 - 1215 MHz band for the Joint Tactical Information Distribution System (JTIDS), the Multifunctional Information Distribution System (MIDS), and other functionally similar Tactical Link systems (termed collectively, "Link 16 Terminals"). Based on its importance for aeronautical radio-navigation and supporting systems, the Department of Transportation (DoT) also has interests in this frequency band. Rapid growth in commercial and civil aviation during the 21st century shall increase the importance of ensuring spectrum supportability for existing and new...
The Department of Defense uses the 960 - 1215 MHz band for the Joint Tactical Information Distribution System (JTIDS), the Multifunctional Information...