Cuba is much more than cigars, classic automobiles, and Castro. This remarkable nation has had a long history of relations with larger political powers that were drawn to the island because of its valuable resources and strategic location. Ties between Cuba and the United States have been strong since the mid-nineteenth century, and the theme of U.S. dominance over the island and its people is a primary historical perspective. Cuba's history is told in eight chronological chapters, from its earliest days as a Spanish colony, through its wars for independence and the U.S. occupation in the...
Cuba is much more than cigars, classic automobiles, and Castro. This remarkable nation has had a long history of relations with larger political po...
Notwithstanding Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega's disdain for the United States, our nation has played a significant role in shaping Nicaraguan nationalism, as well as the country's political, economic, and social systems. The History of Nicaragua was written, in part, to help students and other interested readers understand that relationship, providing them with an up-to-date, concise, and analytical history of the Central American nation.
The book begins by describing the people, geography, culture, and current political, economic, and social systems of Nicaragua....
Notwithstanding Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega's disdain for the United States, our nation has played a significant role in shaping Nicaraguan ...
Wesley Chapel was founded June 20, 1817, at the dawn of Indiana’s statehood, as a group of settlers longing for fellowship first gathered together in a little New Albany cake shop near the corner of Pearl and Main. Reverently known as “The Old Ship”, Wesley Chapel remains a resilient and brilliant light in the community over 200 years later. This is her story.
Written in honor of Wesley Chapel’s Bicentennial, Sail on Old Ship: A History of Wesley Chapel, Floyd County, Indiana 1817-2017 chronicles the church’s life, growth, and impact on the...
Wesley Chapel was founded June 20, 1817, at the dawn of Indiana’s statehood, as a group of settlers longing for fellowship first gathered tog...