Captain Invincible and his intrepid space-dog, Comet, are on a perilous journey back to Earth Throughout their mission, the fearless captain and his canine sidekick encounter asteroids, poisonous gas, and alien beings. But will their knowledge of three-dimensional shapes, including cubes, cones, and pyramids, help our heroes navigate past these obstacles -- and make it safely home?
Captain Invincible and his intrepid space-dog, Comet, are on a perilous journey back to Earth Throughout their mission, the fearless captain and h...
Keep an eye on the clock as the Huskies and the Falcons gear up for their championship soccer match. Weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds--it's all game time
Game Time
Keep an eye on the clock as the Huskies and the Falcons gear up for their championship soccer match. Weeks, days,...
Nothing goes right for Jack all day long. He can't find his favorite sneakers, he spills milk on his math homework, and worst of all, he gets tuna fish for lunch. Will things ever get better?
Readers will learn how to tell when something is certain, more likely, less likely, or impossible as Jack keeps hoping his streak of bad luck will break. Maybe, just maybe, pistachio ice cream for dessert will do the trick. But will it happen? Considering how Jack's day has been going, PROBABLY NOT
Nothing goes right for Jack all day long. He can't find his favorite sneakers, he spills milk on his math homework, and worst of all, he gets tuna ...
Matthew has found a treasure map, and soon the Elm Street Kids' Club is off on a quest. The map guides them into a wonderful, magical world, but it's the real-life math skills of understanding distance, scale, direction, and symbols that will help Matthew, Sheri, Meg, Danny, and Jed -- with some assistance from Petey the parrot -- find a treasure hidden fifty years ago.
Matthew has found a treasure map, and soon the Elm Street Kids' Club is off on a quest. The map guides them into a wonderful, magical world, but it...
Sometimes Percy gets upset. He scowls and stamps his feet. But when he learns to take a deep breath, count to ten, and talk about his feelings, he can calm down. When Percy's not upset, he can have fun again For happier, healthier, more confident children Part of the sixteen book I SEE I LEARN(R) series for happier, healthier, more confident children
Sometimes Percy gets upset. He scowls and stamps his feet. But when he learns to take a deep breath, count to ten, and talk about his feelings, he can...
A boy lists all the reasons he wants a pet dragon and describes how he would take care of it. Includes tips for selection (why you shouldn't choose a three-headed dragon), discipline (what to do if your dragon misbehaves), and diet (why you should never give a dragon broccoli).
A boy lists all the reasons he wants a pet dragon and describes how he would take care of it. Includes tips for selection (why you shouldn't choose a ...
Freda likes to play school and pretend to be the teacher. But when Percy and Emma join in on the fun, they realize that Freda needs some help saying "please," "thank you," and "you're welcome."Part of the sixteen bookI SEE I LEARN(r)series for happier, healthier, more confident children "
Freda likes to play school and pretend to be the teacher. But when Percy and Emma join in on the fun, they realize that Freda needs some help saying "...
Carlos loves playing in the mud, building with clay, and drawing with chalk, but he doesn't like washing his hands. With the guidance of his friends and teacher, Carlos learns how easy--and fun--it is to wash up. Part of the sixteen book I SEE I LEARN(R) series for happier, healthier, more confident children
Carlos loves playing in the mud, building with clay, and drawing with chalk, but he doesn't like washing his hands. With the guidance of his friends a...