Urban land is an environmental key topic considering the increasing urbani- sation of our world. The amounting pressure on resources especially in the urban environment demand awareness across technical and political sectors and solid concepts for workable solutions. This book will address those people, who are key in coping with the challenges of sustainable urban land use management: Professionals in the growing field of urban land recycling and graduate students from different disciplines including urban planning, environmental sciences and geotechnics. Processes that lead to urban land...
Urban land is an environmental key topic considering the increasing urbani- sation of our world. The amounting pressure on resources especially in the...
Urban land is an environmental key topic considering the increasing urbani- sation of our world. The amounting pressure on resources especially in the urban environment demand awareness across technical and political sectors and solid concepts for workable solutions. This book will address those people, who are key in coping with the challenges of sustainable urban land use management: Professionals in the growing field of urban land recycling and graduate students from different disciplines including urban planning, environmental sciences and geotechnics. Processes that lead to urban land...
Urban land is an environmental key topic considering the increasing urbani- sation of our world. The amounting pressure on resources especially in the...
Die Geowissenschaften befassen sich mit dem System Erde. Dazu gehoren ne ben den Vorgangen im Erdinneren vor allem auch jene Vorgange, die an der Erdoberflache, der Schnittstelle von Atmo-, Hydro-, Pedo-, Litho- und Biospha re auftreten. Alle Spharen sind nur sehr vordergriindig betrachtet singulare und damit klar voneinander abgrenzbare Einheiten. Sowohl die chemische Zusam mensetzung ineinem Systemkompartimentals auch dieTransport- und Reaktions vorgange darin sind abhangig von den jeweiligen Wechselwirkungen mit den benachbarten Kompartimenten und deren Strukturen. Gleichzeitig sind wir...
Die Geowissenschaften befassen sich mit dem System Erde. Dazu gehoren ne ben den Vorgangen im Erdinneren vor allem auch jene Vorgange, die an der Erdo...