CONTENTS: Prologue The American Strategic Challenge The American Approach to the RMA: A Baseline The RMA and Regional Allies: The Asian Case Europe and the RMA General Considerations --- The Europeanization Challenge France and the RMA The General Political Dynamic --- Domestic Preoccupation and the Shift from Neo-Gaullism --- The French State Crisis and Technology Policy --- Strategic Rethinking and Processes of Change --- Critical Issues for a French RMA --- Alternative Outcomes Germany and the RMA The Context of Change --- The Tasks of the Armed Forces --- Critical Issues for a German RMA...
CONTENTS: Prologue The American Strategic Challenge The American Approach to the RMA: A Baseline The RMA and Regional Allies: The Asian Case Europe an...
The revolution in military affairs is an American concept that frames a debate about the restructuring of American military forces in the period of globalization of the American economy. A core task for U.S. allies is to seek to understand the American debate and to identify opportunities for and the risks to themselves in variant patterns of development of the American military in the years ahead.
The revolution in military affairs is an American concept that frames a debate about the restructuring of American military forces in the period of gl...