Each chapter in this book is written by a group of leading experts in one particular type of microprobe technique. They emphasize the ability of that technique to provide information about small structures (i.e. quantum dots, quantum lines), microscopic defects, strain, layer composition, and its usefulness as diagnostic technique for device degradation. Different types of probes are considered (electrons, photons and tips) and different microscopies (optical, electron microscopy and tunneling). It is an ideal reference for post-graduate and experienced researchers, as well as for crystal...
Each chapter in this book is written by a group of leading experts in one particular type of microprobe technique. They emphasize the ability of that ...
This book deals with standard spectroscopic techniques which can be used to analyze semiconductor samples or devices, in both, bulk, micrometer and submicrometer scale. The book aims helping experimental physicists and engineers to choose the right analytical spectroscopic technique in order to get specific information about their specific demands.
This book deals with standard spectroscopic techniques which can be used to analyze semiconductor samples or devices, in both, bulk, micrometer and su...
Recetas HCG fue exclusivamente creado para personas en tratamiento HCG en gotas o inyectables y en segundo lugar para personas que deseen llevar una vida saludable y contribuir diariamente a la perdida de peso, Este libro va dirigido directamente y con el unico fin de facilitar el tratamiento con 94 ideas de recetas detalladas y elaboradas para agregar variedad durante la dieta hcg para que no se vuelva aburrido y monotono, con la ayuda de este libro y su contenido de recetas, guias, tips y concejos usted podra guiarse sin problemas y asegurando una perdida de peso consistene diariamente...
Recetas HCG fue exclusivamente creado para personas en tratamiento HCG en gotas o inyectables y en segundo lugar para personas que deseen llevar una v...