This monograph describes the constitution and properties of magnesium-based alloys containing rare-earth metals. The dependence of their characteristics on their atomic number and place in the periodic table are presented and new ideas for rare-earth metals as alloying additives to magnesium are discussed.
This monograph describes the constitution and properties of magnesium-based alloys containing rare-earth metals. The dependence of their characteristi...
CONTENTSThe Significance of SleepChanges Occurring in the Body during SleepCriticism of Various Theories of SleepPavlov on SleepPavlov on HypnosisDreams, Their Causes and NatureDifferent States of Sleep and Conditions Conducive to SleepTherapy by Prolonged SleepDisorders of Sleep. Morbid SleepHygiene of Sleep
CONTENTSThe Significance of SleepChanges Occurring in the Body during SleepCriticism of Various Theories of SleepPavlov on SleepPavlov on HypnosisDrea...