A fascinating intertextual study of the classic biblical tragedy of Saul, the first king of Israel, as first narrated in biblical narrative and later reworked in Lamartine's drama Saul: Tragedie and Thomas Hardy's novel The Mayor of Casterbridge. Plot and characterization are each explored in detail in this study, and in each of the narrations the hero's tragic fate emerges both as the result of a character flaw and also as a consequence of the ambivalent role of the deity, showing a double theme underlying not only the biblical vision but also its two very different retellings nearer to...
A fascinating intertextual study of the classic biblical tragedy of Saul, the first king of Israel, as first narrated in biblical narrative and lat...
The story of human evolution that we've been told is one built on the shoulders of male heroism, competition and dominance: but, what if it isn't the whole story?
"Finally, a well-written book about the evolution and fate of being a woman in the changing landscape of history and culture... rich and moving... a must read." Dr. Susanne R. Cook-Greuter
This is the story of women's evolution. It traces women's rich contribution to human evolutionary history alongside the conditions of her oppression, and looks towards a future that integrates women's past wisdom with the full...
The story of human evolution that we've been told is one built on the shoulders of male heroism, competition and dominance: but, what if it isn't t...