This volume looks at the influence of Near Eastern architecture on the design of the Egyptian 20th dynasty fort at Medinet Habu. The discussion widens to examine more general questions on conceptions and functions of building in Ancient Egypt and on architectural change in the whole New Kingdom period. Italian text.
This volume looks at the influence of Near Eastern architecture on the design of the Egyptian 20th dynasty fort at Medinet Habu. The discussion widens...
The Egyptian Museum of Florence has one of the most important ushabti collections in Italy and Europe. The collection contains around eight hundred ushabtis, which originally belonged to different collections: Granducale, Nizzoli, Rosellini, Ricci, Schiaparelli. Other smaller groups contain objects belonging to different sources collected within the 19th and 20th centuries. The ushabti corpus of Florence belongs to the end of the Second Intermediate and Roman Period. In 2008, the "Ushabti Project" was started by the Egyptology and the Coptic Civilization Study Centre "J.F. Champollion" of...
The Egyptian Museum of Florence has one of the most important ushabti collections in Italy and Europe. The collection contains around eight hundred...