This edition comes with no CDs. You must purchase either the 3 associated CDs separately or digitally download the CDs from an on-line vendor. Otherwise this book is exactly the same as the book/CD edition. Just as an artist must know every color in order to create a beautiful painting, a musician must know and hear all the notes of the musical "palette" in order to create good music. This Ear Training method has been developed to teach the student how to hear the way musical sounds are organized within a key. With proper application, the student will be able to instantly recognize: . Which...
This edition comes with no CDs. You must purchase either the 3 associated CDs separately or digitally download the CDs from an on-line vendor. Otherwi...
This version of Ear Training: Two Note Complete comes with no CDs. You need the CDs to work with this ear training method. The CDs can be ordered separately either in physical form or as MP3 via itunes or other on-line sources. Search for: Ear Training: Two Note Complete to find the CDs or digital audio. If you would like to order the Ear Training method with the CDs included please see the Spiral bound editions of this book. Search for Ear Training Two Note Volume 1 etc....There are six volumes. Ear Training: Two Note Complete is the next level up from the "Ear Training: One Note" Series. It...
This version of Ear Training: Two Note Complete comes with no CDs. You need the CDs to work with this ear training method. The CDs can be ordered sepa...
This edition comes with no CD. You must purchase either the associated CD separately or digitally download the CD from an on-line vendor. Otherwise this book is exactly the same as the book/CD edition.Just as an artist must know every color in order to create a beautiful painting, a musician must know and hear all the notes of the musical "palette" in order to create good music. This ear training method has been developed to teach the student how to hear the way musical sounds are organized within a key. With proper application, the student will be able to: . Recognize notes without depending...
This edition comes with no CD. You must purchase either the associated CD separately or digitally download the CD from an on-line vendor. Otherwise th...
This edition comes with no CD. You must purchase either the associated CD separately or digitally download the CD from an on-line vendor. Otherwise this book is exactly the same as the book/CD edition. KEY NOTE RECOGNITION is part of a series of ear training books designed to help the student develop better relative pitch. This book and separately available CD addresses hearing one specific note against all keys, allowing the student to identify key modulations when they occur. Recommended for use prior to "Ear Training Two Note Method."Recommended prerequisite to this book: "Ear Training One...
This edition comes with no CD. You must purchase either the associated CD separately or digitally download the CD from an on-line vendor. Otherwise th...
"Sonic Resource Guide" is a reference book for the application of set theory principles to jazz improvisation. It is meant for the musician who wants to explore new sounds for improvisation or composition. The aim of "Sonic Resource Guide" is to bridge the gap between highly mathematical pitch class theory books and the often limited scope of jazz improvisation methods by demonstrating various musical relationships that an improviser can use to create fresh sounding musical content. The book reduces note relationships down to two hundred and twenty prime forms. Endless combinations of notes...
"Sonic Resource Guide" is a reference book for the application of set theory principles to jazz improvisation. It is meant for the musician who wants ...