In her small town, dubbed "Dullsville," sixteen-year-old Raven -- a vampire-crazed goth-girl -- is an outcast. But not for long...
The intriguing and rumored-to-be haunted mansion on top of Benson Hill has stood vacant and boarded-up for years. That is, until its mysteriously strange new occupants move in. Who are these creepy people -- especially the handsome, dark, and elusive Alexander Sterling? Or rather, what are they? Could the town prattle actually ring true? Are they vampires? Raven, who secretly covets a vampire kiss, both at the risk of her own mortality and Alexander's...
In her small town, dubbed "Dullsville," sixteen-year-old Raven -- a vampire-crazed goth-girl -- is an outcast. But not for long...
The absolute last thing goth-girl Raven and her vampire boyfriend, Alexander, need is another hitch in their nighttime-only romance--but dark trouble hovers on the horizon when Raven and Alexander discover four freshly dug graves filled with empty coffins. When a crew of sketchy vampires takes up residence in Dullsville's lonely graveyard, Alexander finds this motley bunch led by his very own blood-sucking cousin, Claude Sterling. Shocking Claude and his creepy crew can only spell out more problems for the pair, especially when Raven finds them in daylight in the very last place she could...
The absolute last thing goth-girl Raven and her vampire boyfriend, Alexander, need is another hitch in their nighttime-only romance--but dark troub...
Who says dating a vampire is easy? Raven's nocturnal romance with her immortal love, Alexander, is definitely dicey, but even more so with Alexander's meddling half-vamp cousin in town. Claude and his sketchy gang are on the hunt for a stash of blood-filled vials that can turn them into pure vampires. With an old family feud casting a shadow on the search, they'll do anything to get their hands on the vials. Raven and Alexander must swiftly mastermind a plan to outwit them, but will the very lure of the vials create more risk for Raven than she could ever imagine? And deepen her own...
Who says dating a vampire is easy? Raven's nocturnal romance with her immortal love, Alexander, is definitely dicey, but even more so with Alexande...
The most important night of the year is drawing near . . . but not without a little trouble from the Underworld
Dullsville's newest night-faring intruder may be only a tween, but Raven knows that Valentine Maxwell, the younger sibling of two nefarious vampires, is a full-size menace. Valentine becomes even more of a threat when he befriends her brother, Billy. Raven must try to shield Billy, even as the biggest excitement of the year approaches: attending prom with her immortal love, Alexander. And while Alexander is one kind of vampire--sweet--Raven soon learns Valentine is another....
The most important night of the year is drawing near . . . but not without a little trouble from the Underworld
There's a hot new underground club in town . . . but membership lasts an eternity.
It's summer break, and Raven knows she should stay put in Dullsville until her immortal love returns. But when she decides to go after Alexander, she can't resist a visit to her favorite Goth-spot, The Coffin Club. Sneaking inside, Raven is shocked to discover a secret door that leads to the entrance of another hidden club. There's something peculiar about this cryptic hangout--and it's too enticing for Raven to resist. Soon a dangerous battle for the club's rule erupts between Alexander's old nemesis...
There's a hot new underground club in town . . . but membership lasts an eternity.
It's summer break, and Raven knows she should stay put in ...
Raven's romance with her dreamy vampire boyfriend, Alexander, has been complicated once again by Alexander's menacing half-vamp cousin. Now that Claude and his fearless gang have been tricked out of the blood-filled vials that can turn them into full vampires, Claude will stop at nothing to find the real vials. Raven's family and friends could be in danger. When Claude teams up with Raven's longtime nemesis, Trevor, invitations soon go out for a vampire-themed masquerade party. Could Claude be scheming to turn all of the students at Dullsville High into vampires if he doesn't get what he...
Raven's romance with her dreamy vampire boyfriend, Alexander, has been complicated once again by Alexander's menacing half-vamp cousin. Now that Cl...
Alexander's spooky mansion feels like home to Raven . . . but could his residence in Dullsville be coming to an end?
Summer break is over, and Raven's sleep-filled days and romantic nights with her immortal boyfriend, Alexander, must end. The shock of daily attendance at Dullsville High isn't the only change in store. An unexpected letter turns up at Alexander's mansion--announcing his parents will be coming to town Once they arrive, it seems just about everyone has had a sighting of the macabre couple except Raven. Is Alexander hiding something about his parents' homecoming? Will...
Alexander's spooky mansion feels like home to Raven . . . but could his residence in Dullsville be coming to an end?
As a mortal girl dating a vampire, Raven knows that love isn't always easy.
And will Alexander ever make their love immortal?
Now that Alexander's parents have returned to Romania, Raven and her dreamy vampire boyfriend are happy to resume their cryptic romance. But soon another visitor comes knocking: Sebastian, Alexander's best friend, arrives for a stay at the mansion. At first Raven is wary, and then thrilled--this is the perfect chance to learn more about her darkly handsome boyfriend and his past Sebastian could be her guide to the love habits of Alexander and his kind....
As a mortal girl dating a vampire, Raven knows that love isn't always easy.
Things might finally be back to normal for Raven and Alexander--as normal as they can be for a goth teen in a small town andher dreamy vampire boyfriend. But the secretive couple soondiscovers that Alexander's now full-blooded vampire cousinClaude and his friends are still lingering in Dullsville. And whenthey all become involved in the same local production of Cinderellathat Raven is pushed into costume designing, once again theirworlds collide. Raven suspects Claude and his dubious crew mustbe up to something, especially when Claude shows interest in theplay's leading...
Things might finally be back to normal for Raven and Alexander--as normal as they can be for a goth teen in a small town andher dreamy vam...
The morbidly monotonous Dullsville has finally become the most exciting place on earth, now that Raven is madly in love with Alexander and a crew of vampires has taken residence in Dullsville's old mill. But Raven can't decide whether Jagger's plan to open a new club, the Crypt, is a good one. Can Raven convince Jagger to listen to her plans to make the Crypt the morbidly magnificent party space it could be? Will it be safe for mortals and vampires alike?