On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the European Union experts present their analyses of historical developments and new economic challenges for the EU. After a reflection on historical dynamics, the contributors point out the dramatic economic shifts between Europe, Asia and the US. Representatives from major central banks (including the ECB), other leading banks, and academia analyze the dynamics of the Eurozone and financial market integration in the context of globalization and economic growth. Furthermore, the authors discuss the challenges of information and communication...
On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the European Union experts present their analyses of historical developments and new economic challenges...
On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the European Union experts present their analyses of historical developments and new economic challenges for the EU. After a reflection on historical dynamics, the contributors point out the dramatic economic shifts between Europe, Asia and the US. Representatives from major central banks (including the ECB), other leading banks, and academia analyze the dynamics of the Eurozone and financial market integration in the context of globalization and economic growth. Furthermore, the authors discuss the challenges of information and communication...
On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the European Union experts present their analyses of historical developments and new economic challenges...
Trotz desEingreifens der Politik und der Europaischen Zentralbank stehen die europaischen Staats-und Regierungschefs noch immer vor grossen Herausforderungen bei der Einfuhrung der Einheitswahrung in einem stetig wachsenden Euro-Raum. Dieses Buch beginnt mit einem Uberblick uber die notwendigen Elemente einer Wahrungsunion und beleuchtet die Grunde, warum die aktuelle Situation entstanden ist. Es enthalt wichtige politische Empfehlungen fur die Wahrungsunion, Erfolge und Misserfolge der Wahrungsunion und analysiert Moglichkeiten zur Verbesserung der Tragfahigkeit der offentlichen Finanzen und...
Trotz desEingreifens der Politik und der Europaischen Zentralbank stehen die europaischen Staats-und Regierungschefs noch immer vor grossen Herausford...
Despite the success of policymakers and the European Central Bank in calming down financial markets since the summer of 2012, European leaders are still facing formidable challenges in making the single currency work in a complex environment. This book starts with a review of the necessary elements of a currency union and highlights the reasons why the system has run into its present troubles. It points to important policy recommendations to be drawn from a structural analysis of the currency union, achievements and failures of the currency union and ways to improve fiscal sustainability...
Despite the success of policymakers and the European Central Bank in calming down financial markets since the summer of 2012, European leaders are ...