Discover the tantalizing true stories behind your favorite colors. For example: Cleopatra used saffron--a source of the color yellow--for seduction. Extracted from an Afghan mine, the blue "ultramarine" paint used by Michelangelo was so expensive he couldn't afford to buy it himself. Since ancient times, carmine red--still found in lipsticks and Cherry Coke today--has come from the blood of insects.
Discover the tantalizing true stories behind your favorite colors. For example: Cleopatra used saffron--a source of the color yellow--for seduction...
Woher kommen das Tizianrot oder das berhmte Blau eines Vermeer? Mit welchen Farben bemalten die Neanderthaler ihre Hhlen? Warum ist Ultramarin eine der teuersten Farben der Welt? Eine uerst unterhaltsame Kulturgeschichte voller wundersamer Anekdoten und Berichte ber den Ursprung der Farben. Und ein Buch fr alle, die mit offenen Augen durch die Welt gehen.
Woher kommen das Tizianrot oder das berhmte Blau eines Vermeer? Mit welchen Farben bemalten die Neanderthaler ihre Hhlen? Warum ist Ultramarin eine de...
The history of art is inseparable from the history of color. And what a fascinating story they tell together: one that brims with an all-star cast of characters, eye-opening details, and unexpected detours through the annals of human civilization and scientific discovery. Enter critically acclaimed writer and popular journalist Victoria Finlay, who here takes readers across the globe and over the centuries on an unforgettable tour through the brilliant history of color in art. Written for newcomers to the subject and aspiring young artists alike, Finlay's quest to uncover the origins and...
The history of art is inseparable from the history of color. And what a fascinating story they tell together: one that brims with an all-star cast of ...