Lazarus and The Gentleman from San Francisco, while fairly typical of Slavic literature, nevertheless contain few of the elements popularly associated with the work of contemporary Russian writers. They have no sex interest, no photographic descriptions of sordid conditions and no lugubrious philosophizing. These stories are not cheerful, yet their sadness is uplifting rather than depressing. They both contain what the Greek called katharsis in their tragedies - that cleansing atmosphere which purges us of every baser feeling as we read them.
Lazarus and The Gentleman from San Francisco, while fairly typical of Slavic literature, nevertheless contain few of the elements popularly associated...
The Nobel PrizeDwinning author's great anti-Bolshevik diary of the Russian Revolution, translated into English for the first time, with an Introduction and Notes by Thomas Gaiton Marullo. A harrowing description of the forerunners of the concentration camps and the Gulag. Marc Raeff"
The Nobel PrizeDwinning author's great anti-Bolshevik diary of the Russian Revolution, translated into English for the first time, with an Introductio...
The Gentleman from San Francisco is easily the best known of Ivan Bunin's stories and has achieved the stature of a masterpiece. But Bunin's other stories and novellas are not to be missed. Over the last several years a great many of them have been freshly and brilliantly translated by Graham Hettlinger. Together, along with four new pieces, they are now published in a one-volume paperback collection of Bunin's greatest writings.
The Gentleman from San Francisco is easily the best known of Ivan Bunin's stories and has achieved the stature of a masterpiece. But Bunin's other sto...
V knige sobrany povesti i rasskazy o ljubvi velikih masterov russkoj prozy: A. Pushkina, I. Turgeneva, A. Chehova, A. Kuprina, I. Bunina. Chto takoe ljubov'? Odna iz samyh vysokih cennostej, sila, sozdajushhaja lichnost', sobirajushhaja luchshie kachestva cheloveka v edinoe celoe, nagrada, dazhe esli stradanija soprovozhdajut jeto chuvstvo? Ili rokovaja sila, nedostizhimaja vershina, k kotoroj stremitsja ljuboj chelovek, starajas' obresti edinstvo s drugoj lichnost'ju, neizmenno oborachivajushheesja utratoj, tragediej, razrushajushhej garmoniju mira? Raznye istorii i raznye vzgljady pomogut...
V knige sobrany povesti i rasskazy o ljubvi velikih masterov russkoj prozy: A. Pushkina, I. Turgeneva, A. Chehova, A. Kuprina, I. Bunina. Chto takoe l...
Granatovyj braslet A. I. Kuprina - odna iz luchshih povestej o ljubvi v literature russkoj i, navernoe, mirovoj. Jeto gimn ljubvi zhertvennoj, bezogljadnoj i bezotvetnoj - toj, chto ne nuzhdaetsja v nagrade i vozdajanii, a dovol'stvuetsja odnim svoim sushhestvovaniem. V odnom rjadu s shedevrom Kuprina stojat povesti Mitina ljubov' I. A. Bunina, Dom s mezoninom A. P. Chehova, Asja I. S. Turgeneva i Starosvetskie pomeshhiki N. I. Gogolja, kotorye takzhe vkljucheny v jetot sbornik.
Granatovyj braslet A. I. Kuprina - odna iz luchshih povestej o ljubvi v literature russkoj i, navernoe, mirovoj. Jeto gimn ljubvi zhertvennoj, bezoglj...