James F. (, HH Wills Physics Laboratory, University of Bristol, UK) Annett
Superconductivity, provides a basic introduction to one of the most innovative areas in condensed matter physics today. This book includes ample tutorial material, including illustrations, chapter summaries, graded problem sets, and concise examples. This book is part of the Oxford Master Series in Condensed Matter Physics.
Superconductivity, provides a basic introduction to one of the most innovative areas in condensed matter physics today. This book includes am...
Superconductivity, provides a basic introduction to one of the most innovative areas in condensed matter physics today. This book includes ample tutorial material, including illustrations, chapter summaries, graded problem sets, and concise examples.
Superconductivity, provides a basic introduction to one of the most innovative areas in condensed matter physics today. This book includes ample tutor...