Reinvent your company to deliver sustained profitable growth.
As performance lags in the midst of economic cycles, many companies turn to magic bullets such as EVA, Kaizen, or Six Sigma. Unfortunately, these initiatives-along with how they're implemented-often deliver only short-term positive impact or cause more pain than the preexisting condition.
Returning to competitive health and profitability in the face of economic downturns requires a dynamic realignment of business strategies, organizational design, and talent management. Based on timely research conducted by Axiom...
Reinvent your company to deliver sustained profitable growth.
As performance lags in the midst of economic cycles, many companies turn to magic bul...
This book provides invaluable information for adults who provide care for children with special needs. The book includes teaching interventions to help children to have an increased sense of self-esteem and the skills to protect themselves. Tools are also provided to empower parents to protect their children and ensure a safe learning environment.
This book provides invaluable information for adults who provide care for children with special needs. The book includes teaching interventions to hel...