Thomas Crandle's life takes an unexpected turn when he discovers a magical contraption in his eccentric Uncle Ted's garage. Against his uncle's warnings, Thomas decides to try it out and embarks on an amazing adventure that takes him to the end of the road and beyond. Along the way he befriends many odd and remarkable characters and journeys to a fantastical kingdom. When the kingdom is threatened by an unspeakable terror, Thomas joins in the struggle to save the land from ruin with the help of his new found friends.
Thomas Crandle's life takes an unexpected turn when he discovers a magical contraption in his eccentric Uncle Ted's garage. Against his uncle's warnin...
Thomas Crandle's life takes an unexpected turn when he discovers a magical contraption in his eccentric Uncle Ted's garage. Against his uncle's warnings, Thomas decides to try it out and embarks on an amazing adventure that takes him to the end of the road and beyond. Along the way he befriends many odd and remarkable characters and journeys to a fantastical kingdom. When the kingdom is threatened by an unspeakable terror, Thomas joins in the struggle to save the land from ruin with the help of his new found friends.
Thomas Crandle's life takes an unexpected turn when he discovers a magical contraption in his eccentric Uncle Ted's garage. Against his uncle's war...
Established in March of 2012 and closed their doors on April 2014, New Queer on the Block Magazine was an avant-garde online magazine based in Seattle, Washington under the leadership of publisher and editor-in-chief, Brian Peterson. The writers (Paul Torres, Danielle Campoamor and Michael Carosone) worked daily in providing coverage in the arts, entertainment and culture that surrounded within the city of Seattle and beyond. The Bulk of this magazine was exclusive interviews with artists of all walks of life, including: David Drake, Travis Matthews, Alan Brown, Seth Tankus, Tess Berry-Hart,...
Established in March of 2012 and closed their doors on April 2014, New Queer on the Block Magazine was an avant-garde online magazine based in Seattle...