From the Colonial period on, war has inevitably divided U.S. society into pro-war and antiwar factions, and few subjects have proven so polarizing or long-lasting as a nexus of public discourse. In the contest over war and peace, uninformed beliefs have been conflated with uncontested truths by both sides, fueling a lack of bipartisanship in foreign policy that has been prevalent since the nation's earliest days.
"A History of War Resistance in America" delineates clearly the tradition of war opposition in the United States. It examines the military, preparations for war, and war's...
From the Colonial period on, war has inevitably divided U.S. society into pro-war and antiwar factions, and few subjects have proven so polarizing ...
The Boston Tea Party has been a source of inspiration to the millions of Americans who currently identify with today's Tea Party Patriots.This fascinating book offers insights into how this historical event prompted the creation of a democratic republic and discusses the resulting influence on modern political views.
The Boston Tea Party: The Foundations of Revolution presents the chronology of events that led to America's first political insurgency. The author provides an in-depth analysis of the early grassroots movement of the 18th century to the current Tea Party...
The Boston Tea Party has been a source of inspiration to the millions of Americans who currently identify with today's Tea Party Patriots.This fasc...