Schröpfer, Thomas Carpenter, James Kennedy, Sheila
Wenn das professionelle Interesse an neuen Materialien uber eine intuitive Faszination hinausgeht, stellt sich die Frage, wie Innovationen aus der Materialerforschung in die Architekturanwendung importiert werden konnen. Hier setzt dieses grundlegende Buch an. Ausgehend von Materialeigenschaften wie Textur, Elastizitat oder Transparenz uberwindet es die traditionellen Einteilungen von Werkstoffen zugunsten der Darstellung ubergreifender Verarbeitungs- und Verwendungsarten wie Falten und Biegen, Schneiden und Weben, Spiegeln und Projizieren.
Die entwurfsorientierten...
Wenn das professionelle Interesse an neuen Materialien uber eine intuitive Faszination hinausgeht, stellt sich die Frage, wie Innovationen aus der ...
Limping Along-Following the dark face of God, traces the fifty-three-year-history of rheumatoid arthritis that thwarted the psychosocial development of Mary Elizabeth Moloney. Thirty years of ineffective drugs and surgeries further dwarfed her spirit, but honed the dark face of God within her depths. Because of dream analysis and working the 12-Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous, she stopped taking medication and awoke to her part in her disease. Changes in diet and exercise and behavior followed. She continues thriving within her God.
Limping Along-Following the dark face of God, traces the fifty-three-year-history of rheumatoid arthritis that thwarted the psychosocial development o...
Choices to Changes features the best practices of Twelve Global Entrepreneurs who have achieved success in building meaningful relationships, growing financially, taking bigger risks and gaining more influence in the marketplace. Sheila Kennedy put their practices to the test so she could raise money to have the book published. In a 60 day experiment, Sheila tripled her income, attracted her ideal clients and accepted speaking engagements by employing the practices shared in Choices to Changes. This book is a gold mine of practices, tools and strategies to implement. The book itself is a...
Choices to Changes features the best practices of Twelve Global Entrepreneurs who have achieved success in building meaningful relationships, growing ...