The Oxford Handbook of the Cold War offers a broad reassessment of the period based on new conceptual frameworks developed in the field of international history. Nearing the 25th anniversary of its end, the cold war now emerges as a distinct period in twentieth-century history, yet one which should be evaluated within the broader context of global political, economic, social, and cultural developments.
The editors have brought together leading scholars in cold war history to offer a new assessment of the state of the field and identify fundamental questions for future research....
The Oxford Handbook of the Cold War offers a broad reassessment of the period based on new conceptual frameworks developed in the field of in...
At the end of World War II roughly 300,000 American GIs were deployed as occupation forces in Germany. Many of them quickly developed intimate relations with their former enemies. Those informal interactions played a significant role in the transformation of Germany from enemy to ally of the United States, argues Petra Goedde in her engrossing book. Goedde finds that as American soldiers fraternized with German civilians, particularly as they formed sexual relationships with women, they developed a feminized image of Germany that contrasted sharply with their wartime image of the aggressive...
At the end of World War II roughly 300,000 American GIs were deployed as occupation forces in Germany. Many of them quickly developed intimate relatio...
The Oxford Handbook of the Cold War offers a broad reassessment of the period based on new conceptual frameworks developed in the field of international history. Nearing the 25th anniversary of its end, the cold war now emerges as a distinct period in twentieth-century history, yet one which should be evaluated within the broader context of global political, economic, social, and cultural developments.
The editors have brought together leading scholars in cold war history to offer a new assessment of the state of the field and identify fundamental questions for future research....
The Oxford Handbook of the Cold War offers a broad reassessment of the period based on new conceptual frameworks developed in the field of in...