On a clear day in March 1926, a middle-aged Irish woman arrived in Boston to retrieve a most unusual package: a baby boy, orphaned by his unwed mother and desperate for the care of a loving family. Christened Will Squires by his adoptive parents, the young boy soon discovers that the reasons for his adoption and the unwarranted kindness of his benefactor, the local judge, are shrouded in mystery. Struggling to make sense of his origin and identity, Will Squires stumbles upon an even greater mystery-the work of God's hand in his life. As his horizons broaden through education and travel, Will...
On a clear day in March 1926, a middle-aged Irish woman arrived in Boston to retrieve a most unusual package: a baby boy, orphaned by his unwed mother...
Karin E. Limburg Mary A. Moran William H. McDowell
The Ecosystems Research Center (ERC) was established at Cornell U ni- versity in October 1980 by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) with the goals of: 1. Identifying fundamental principles and concepts of ecosystems sci- ence and the determination of their importance in understanding and pre- dicting the responses of ecosystems to stress, the description of the basic mechanisms that operate within ecosystems, and an examination of the stability of ecosystem structure and function in the face of stress. 2. Testing the applicability of those theoretical concepts to problems of concern to...
The Ecosystems Research Center (ERC) was established at Cornell U ni- versity in October 1980 by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) with the go...