Synopsis: In the waning days of the Kosovo conflict, two American doctors travel to Macedonia to offer their services to Albanian refugees. Into the chaos of the medical camp, a mysterious boy arrives, forcing the doctors to re-examine their actions and the personal ethics that guide them.
Cast Size: 4 Males, 2 Females
Synopsis: In the waning days of the Kosovo conflict, two American doctors travel to Macedonia to offer their services to Albanian refugees. Into th...
Synopsis: In a compelling drama about a man's legacy, former pro football player Frank Baker is offered the chance of a lifetime - an interview on CBS before the Super Bowl. But just when he thinks his luck has changed, Baker and his interviewer are blindsided by secrets and revelations. Inspired by a true story, this new play looks closely at hero worship and forgiveness. How will you be remembered when the final whistle is blown?Cast Size: 2 Black Males
Synopsis: In a compelling drama about a man's legacy, former pro football player Frank Baker is offered the chance of a lifetime - an interview on ...