The Master-of-Disaster is back in this exciting, no-holds-barred sequel to the Cycle of Ages Saga: Finders Keepers With his primary mission on hold for now, Kaladimus Dor continues his association with the mercenary guild known as Finders Keepers as they search for the first missing piece to the Hallowed Vessel, its original figurehead. However, his companion, Yax'Kaqix, makes a fateful decision to honor a promise to a dead man that will set them on a path to change the fates of thousands and set them on a course for adventure across the Sands of Sorrow, a haunted, unnatural desert created...
The Master-of-Disaster is back in this exciting, no-holds-barred sequel to the Cycle of Ages Saga: Finders Keepers With his primary mission on hold f...
The Master-of-Disaster and Finders Keepers return in the epic third installment of the Cycle of Ages Saga. Kaladimus Dor finally makes contact with his master across the Veil, only to be tasked with a new mission, to reach the mysterious Spire. There he will be able to aid Braigen in returning hope to Faltyr. Meanwhile, plots and intrigues abound in Grysmburg, targeting Lady Shy'elle and her infant son in distant Fraustmauth. So the queen-in-exile and Finders Keepers depart on a roundabout voyage to fulfill Dor's mission and take the fight to the heart of the enemy. What dangers lie in wait...
The Master-of-Disaster and Finders Keepers return in the epic third installment of the Cycle of Ages Saga. Kaladimus Dor finally makes contact with hi...