A collection of short travelogues and stories about cycling adventures in Scotland. Starting with a crash, then crossing the country from coast to coast, visiting the islands and west coast, and ending with some bikepacking, a haunted bothy and a race. "Starting in Kyle of Lochalsh in the north-west and crossing the widest part of Scotland to reach the east coast in Montrose, it looked good. It promised adventure, beauty and excellent mountain biking, all contained within a five to seven day long, 270 kilometre mostly off-road route. The more of the route description I read, the more...
A collection of short travelogues and stories about cycling adventures in Scotland. Starting with a crash, then crossing the country from coast to coa...
The more narrowly we examine language, the sharper becomes the con?ict - tween it and our requirement. (For the crystalline purity of logic was, of course, not a result of investigation; it was a requirement. ) The con?ict becomes intolerable; the requirement is now in danger of becoming empty. We have got onto slippery ice where there is no friction and so in a certain sense the conditions are ideal, but also, just because of that, we are unable to walk. We want to walk; so we need 1 friction. Back to the rough ground Ludwig Wittgenstein This manuscript consists of four related parts: a...
The more narrowly we examine language, the sharper becomes the con?ict - tween it and our requirement. (For the crystalline purity of logic was, of co...