Policing in a capitalist economy is run on both state and private levels. Much existing literature on private policing assumes that the private sector is oriented almost exclusively towards loss prevention, and does not fulfil a crime-control function. In this carefully researched study, George Rigakos considers the increasingly important role of the 'parapolice' in the maintenance of social order. He argues that for-profit policing companies adopt many of the tactics and functions of the public police, and are less distinguishable from the latter than has been previously assumed in the...
Policing in a capitalist economy is run on both state and private levels. Much existing literature on private policing assumes that the private sec...
Policing in a capitalist economy is run on both state and private levels. Much existing literature on private policing assumes that the private sector is oriented almost exclusively towards loss prevention, and does not fulfil a crime-control function. In this carefully researched study, George Rigakos considers the increasingly important role of the 'parapolice' in the maintenance of social order. He argues that for-profit policing companies adopt many of the tactics and functions of the public police, and are less distinguishable from the latter than has been previously assumed in the...
Policing in a capitalist economy is run on both state and private levels. Much existing literature on private policing assumes that the private sec...
In the last thirty years bouncers have emerged as iconic gatekeepers of contemporary cool, exclusivity, and social capital in urban centres around the world. In this groundbreaking empirical study, Rigakos critiques the supposed liberating and expressive potential of nightclubs by theorizing them within the linked themes of risk, consumption and security in late capitalism. People attend nightclubs to be seen and see others, to consume others as aesthetic objects of desire and to elicit desire in others - the desire to be desired. This 'synoptic frenzy', according to Rigakos, fuses...
In the last thirty years bouncers have emerged as iconic gatekeepers of contemporary cool, exclusivity, and social capital in urban centres around the...
Critiques the supposed liberating and expressive potential of nightclubs by theorizing them within the linked themes of risk, consumption and security in late capitalism.
Critiques the supposed liberating and expressive potential of nightclubs by theorizing them within the linked themes of risk, consumption and security...
While contemporary inquiries into the theoretical linkages between political economy and security are rare, the exploration of these connections was the cornerstone of political, social and economic philosophy during the upheavals of Enlightenment Europe. "A General Police System," a term borrowed from the late 18th century thinker Patrick Colquhoun, examines the overlapping genealogies of commerce, security, surveillance, and the problem of poverty in the works of foundational English and Continental intellectuals of the 17th to early 19th centuries. This book reviews and revives the epic...
While contemporary inquiries into the theoretical linkages between political economy and security are rare, the exploration of these connections was t...
"Un espectro se cierne sobre Europa: el espectro del comunismo. Contra este espectro se han conjurado en santa jauria todas las potencias de la vieja Europa, el Papa y el zar, Metternich y Guizot, los radicales franceses y los polizontes alemanes..." Un espectro trabaja sin descanso y en silencio en campos calcinados. Camina arrastrando los pies a traves de las polvorientas plazas del pueblo. Trabaja como un burro entre la mugre y la monotonia de las fabricas. Revisa la basura en callejones de barriadas. Flota sobre cubiculos de edificios de oficinas, hilera tras hilera. Donde sea que el...
"Un espectro se cierne sobre Europa: el espectro del comunismo. Contra este espectro se han conjurado en santa jauria todas las potencias de la vieja ...
"Un spectre hante l'Europe: le spectre du communisme. Toutes les puissances de la vieille Europe se sont unies en une Sainte-Alliance pour traquer ce spectre: le pape et le tsar, Metternich et Guizot, les radicaux de France et les policiers d'Allemagne..." Un spectre peine silencieusement dans les champs brules par le soleil. Il parcourt des villages dont les places sont poussiereuses. Il trime dur a des corvees sur les planchers crasseux des usines. Il fouille les ordures dans les ruelles des bidonvilles. Il flotte au-dessus des cubicules dresses en rangs serres dans les tours a bureaux. Ou...
"Un spectre hante l'Europe: le spectre du communisme. Toutes les puissances de la vieille Europe se sont unies en une Sainte-Alliance pour traquer ce ...
"The bourgeoisie, by the rapid improvement of all instruments of production, by the immensely facilitated means of communication, draws all, even the most barbarian, nations into civilisation... It compels all nations, on pain of extinction, to adopt the bourgeois mode of production; it compels them to introduce what it calls civilisation into their midst, i.e., to become bourgeois themselves. In one word, it creates a world after its own image."
"The bourgeoisie, by the rapid improvement of all instruments of production, by the immensely facilitated means of communication, draws all, even the ...