Good Government? Good Citizens? explores the evolving concept of the citizen in Canada at the beginning of this century. Three forces are at work in reconstituting the citizen in this society: courts, politics, and markets. Many see these forces as intersecting and colliding in ways that are fundamentally reshaping the relationship of individuals to the state and to each other.
How has Canadian society actually been transformed? Is the state truly in retreat? Do individuals, in fact, have a fundamentally altered sense of their relationship to government and to each other? Have...
Good Government? Good Citizens? explores the evolving concept of the citizen in Canada at the beginning of this century. Three forces are at...
Canada and the United States increasingly rely on law to grapple with complex societal issues. What is the impact of this growing dependence on law and legal systems? W.A. Bogart offers a timely and erudite investigation of the impact of law on societies, and how this excessive reliance on law, particularly litigation, has generated difficulties in achieving consensus regarding issues of domestic policy.
Focussing mainly on the United States as the center for post World War II legal culture, the book takes into consideration other western countries, and allows the reader a...
Canada and the United States increasingly rely on law to grapple with complex societal issues. What is the impact of this growing dependence on law...
Canada and the United States increasingly rely on law to grapple with complex societal issues. What is the impact of this growing dependence on law and legal systems? W.A. Bogart offers a timely and erudite investigation of the impact of law on societies, and how this excessive reliance on law, particularly litigation, has generated difficulties in achieving consensus regarding issues of domestic policy.
Focussing mainly on the United States as the center for post World War II legal culture, the book takes into consideration other western countries, and allows the reader a...
Canada and the United States increasingly rely on law to grapple with complex societal issues. What is the impact of this growing dependence on law...
Regulating Obesity?: Government, Society, and Questions of Health explores the effectiveness of legal interventions aimed at promoting healthier lifestyles. In this book, W.A. Bogart suggests that the government's emphasis on encouraging weight loss and preventing excess weight gain have largely failed to resolve obesity and have instead fueled prejudice against overweight people. He suggests that a major challenge lies in shifting norms away from stigmatization of the obese and towards more nutritious and healthy lifestyle habits in addition to the acceptance of bodies in all shapes...
Regulating Obesity?: Government, Society, and Questions of Health explores the effectiveness of legal interventions aimed at promoting health...