Like many other people in the modern recession era, Mike O'Meara found himself out of a job, wondering what he would do with the rest of his life. After a very successful career on the radio, he was facing a new reality. The type of radio he loved was dead or dying. Spontaneous, fun, and original radio had been replaced by sports talk and right-wing ranting. Radio had also fallen into the hands of corporations, resulting in bland programming that reeked of "sameness." He knew one thing: having a microphone in front of him and speaking his mind to his listeners on a daily basis was as...
Like many other people in the modern recession era, Mike O'Meara found himself out of a job, wondering what he would do with the rest of his life. Aft...
Math textbooks can be as baffling as the subject they're teaching. Not anymore. The best-selling author of The Complete Idiot's Guide to Calculus has taken what appears to be a typical calculus workbook, chock full of solved calculus problems, and made legible notes in the margins, adding missing steps and simplifying solutions. Finally, everything is made perfectly clear. Students will be prepared to solve those obscure problems that were never discussed in class but always seem to find their way onto exams. --Includes 1,000...
Now students have nothing to fear ...
Math textbooks can be as baffling as the subject they're teaching. Not anymore. The best-selli...
When the numbers just don't add up... Following in the footsteps of the successful The Humongous Books of Calculus Problems, bestselling author Michael Kelley has taken a typical algebra workbook, and made notes in the margins, adding missing steps and simplifying concepts and solutions. Students will learn how to interpret and solve problems as they are typically presented in algebra courses--and become prepared to solve those problems that were never discussed in class but always seem to find their way onto exams. - Annotations throughout the text clarify each...
When the numbers just don't add up... Following in the footsteps of the successful The Humongous Books of Calculus Problems, bestse...