Originally published in 1916, The Builders studies Freemasonry's legacy in the world, hoping to serve as an example for those who wish be a Mason, "not merely in name." From the author: "Here are the real foundations of Masonry, both material and moral: in the deep need and aspiration of man, and his creative impulse; in his instinctive Faith, his quest of the Ideal, and his love of the Light. Underneath all his building lay the feeling ... that the earthly house of his life should be in right relation with its heavenly prototype ... imitating on earth the house not made with hands, eternal...
Originally published in 1916, The Builders studies Freemasonry's legacy in the world, hoping to serve as an example for those who wish be a Mason, "no...
This is a general survey of Masonic origins, history and philosophy. Newton is a rationalist and deflates claims of an ancient origin for Masonry per se; rather he illuminates the historical precedents of the group. He starts with ancient Egypt, not because he believes that the Egyptians had functioning Masonic lodges, but because that is where monumental architecture began. He covers the ancient mystery religions, and the true origin of Masonry in organizations of medieval stone-masons. After a period of decline, a London meeting held in 1717 at the Goose and Gridiron Alehouse united the...
This is a general survey of Masonic origins, history and philosophy. Newton is a rationalist and deflates claims of an ancient origin for Masonry per ...