It all begins with a mysterious gift of honey that unlocks memories of a time before birth... With a blend of magical realism, humor, and drama, HONEYCOMB explores the surprising ways in which we are all connected within a universal beehive of shared consciousness. Disembodied and discombobulated, the protagonist roams an ethereal place known as The Honeycomb. There, he meets John, a spiritual entity, who informs him he has been given the chance of choosing his next life from a menu of five possible existences. Coached by quirky insights from John's mystical anecdotes, the protagonist...
It all begins with a mysterious gift of honey that unlocks memories of a time before birth... With a blend of magical realism, humor, and drama, HONEY...
Information Technology is in the midst of a revolutionary revamp. Legacy information systems that were deployed throughout the last two decades are becoming depreciated financially and cannot flexibly incorporate the extraordinary technology advances brought forth by the emergence of the Internet. "IT Transformation wit SOA" bridges the usual business/technology divide by providing a pragmatic, down-to-earth integrated view of the technology transformation process; from evaluating the need for transformation, to identifying the necessary selling points for a business case, to defining the...
Information Technology is in the midst of a revolutionary revamp. Legacy information systems that were deployed throughout the last two decades are be...