Thirty-four years have passed since Kevin Reynolds perpetrated the most heinous crime the citizens of Carver, Montana had ever witnessed in their small, alpine community. Now, Kevin's cousin, Mitch, has found a bundle of old letters written by Kevin to his father in 2001, the year of Kevin's execution. His curiosity peaked, Mitch has recruited two of his good friends to hike up to the Blind Valley caldera and scout out the scene of the crimes of 1969 and to try to find the hidden cave where the old mountain man, Sam Elliott, once lived. As far as the boys are concerned their trip to Blind...
Thirty-four years have passed since Kevin Reynolds perpetrated the most heinous crime the citizens of Carver, Montana had ever witnessed in their smal...
In a remote mountain area of Tennessee, there is a small, virtually unknown town, named Jessup. The inhabitants of this town, the Jessupites, are all descendants of the original Puralist religious movement that settled Jessup in the early 1800's; all save one.Doctor John Roberts has only been a member of the community for the past five years, having moved to Jessup upon the occasion of his grandmother's death. John's grandmother had at one time been a Jessupite but had left the community in disenchantment with the Puralist way of life. What Abigail Wilson Roberts left behind at her demise was...
In a remote mountain area of Tennessee, there is a small, virtually unknown town, named Jessup. The inhabitants of this town, the Jessupites, are all ...
It was a family camping trip to the Jennings family's favorite camping site, high in a remote area of the Ozark Mountains. It began, as each of their previous trips had begun, with wonderful weather, family togetherness, and a sense of adventure. It would end with the kidnapping of Doctor John Jennings's family, and his own flight into the forest to save himself from certain death. John fled into the unknown wilderness of the Ozarks, moving steadily to the northwest in hope of coming across a road, or perhaps, with any luck, a town. What he finally came across was the home of Cordell...
It was a family camping trip to the Jennings family's favorite camping site, high in a remote area of the Ozark Mountains. It began, as each of their ...
"Hell's Interstate" is an action-packed crime novel about two desperate men traveling down the highway to Hell. Financing their travels by robbing convenience stores along the Interstate, the one predictable fact about their next robbery will be the fact that they will leave no witnesses. Reed Haskell, the ringleader, knows how to rob a store and do it fast, but what he doesn't know is that someone is watching his partner, Vernon Sanger, very closely.
Michael Smith, an apparent vagrant they came in contact with one rainy night along the Interstate, keeps showing up wherever they go, and...
"Hell's Interstate" is an action-packed crime novel about two desperate men traveling down the highway to Hell. Financing their travels by robbing con...
Marlin Goldburg, a forty-year-old Jewish realtor living in the United States, is killed in a terrible traffic accident. Later that day, in Sarsarif, Iraq, Abdul-Halim is blessed with the birth of his first son, whom he names, Badr. What can the two events have in common? As the years go by, Badr is taught at home, hate for the rich American Jews that finance Israel's existence in Arab lands. His father and uncles teach him to hate all infidels, especially the American infidels who have now invaded his country and hometown. But, as the lessons in hate began, so did Badr's dreams of pale white...
Marlin Goldburg, a forty-year-old Jewish realtor living in the United States, is killed in a terrible traffic accident. Later that day, in Sarsarif, I...