Understanding WMI Scripting explains to Windows and Exchange Administrators how they can use the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) scriptable technology available in these products to ease their day-to-day management tasks. Under Windows.NET and Exchange 2000 (SP2), Microsoft is making solid enhancements in WMI. This will dramatically extend the scripting and manageability capabilities of Windows and Exchange. Illustrated with more than three hundred samples, the book links practical problems encountered by administrators to applicable scriptable solutions. Lissoir focuses not on MI...
Understanding WMI Scripting explains to Windows and Exchange Administrators how they can use the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) scriptable t...
Leveraging WMI Scripting is the second in a series of two books dedicated to WMI. Understanding WMI Scripting (ISBN 1-55558-266-4), Lissoir's first book, explained to Windows Administrators the various WMI scripting techniques and manageability capabilities of this new Windows Server 2003 platform. Illustrated with hundreds of scripts and detailed tables, the book explained the underlying technology and how WMI can be put to work. Lissoir focused not only on WMI programming aspects for developers but on how administrators can use what is available in Windows for their admin work. If...
Leveraging WMI Scripting is the second in a series of two books dedicated to WMI. Understanding WMI Scripting (ISBN 1-55558-266-4), Lissoir's first bo...