Governments, business, international bodies and local groups are turning to multi-stakeholder processes to find practical ways forward. This book explains how MSPs can be organized to deliver their potential for successful resolution of complex issues and for sustainable development. It includes detailed examples and provides practical checklists, explaining how to get beyond adversarial politics and achieve positive results.
Governments, business, international bodies and local groups are turning to multi-stakeholder processes to find practical ways forward. This book expl...
Governments, businesses, international organizations, local groups and numerous other publicly engaged bodies are turning to multi-stakeholder processes (MSPs) because conventional party politics is just not working. MSPs involve bringing together all those whose interests are at stake in crucial social, economic, developmental and environmental debates, and finding practical ways forward as well as ways in which these might be implemented. The new politics is about recognizing the rights of, and the risks faced by, all those involved, and about moving beyond conflicts towards a more...
Governments, businesses, international organizations, local groups and numerous other publicly engaged bodies are turning to multi-stakeholder process...