"It all happened so fast that even now, a month later, I still have trouble believing it, and I have to tell myself over and over again: Leszli, you have been kidnapped." On April 12, 1999, Leszli Kalli boarded a plane in Colombia to work on a kibbutz in Israel, but she never made it. The plane was hijacked by a leftist guerrilla group and forced to land on an abandoned runway in the jungle. Leszli, along with her father and the other passengers, were held hostage for 373 days. Her diary reveals her innermost thoughts, darkest fears, and visions of hope. Leszli vividly...
"It all happened so fast that even now, a month later, I still have trouble believing it, and I have to tell myself over and over again: Leszli, y...
Para los cuarenta y seis ocupantes del avion Fokker 50 de Avianca, que volaba de Bucaramanga a Bogota, el 12 de abril de 1999 se convirtio en una pesadilla. Guerrilleros encapuchados secuestraron el avion y lo hicieron aterrizar en una pista abandonada. Entre los pasajeros viajaba Leszli Kalli, una joven de dieciocho anos que sonaba vivir una experiencia facinante en un kibutz en Israel. En los campamentos de la guerrilla, Leszli escribio este diario en el que detalla el drama de estar privada de su libertad, las jornadas a pie por senderos sembrados de trampas y minas quiebrapatas,...
Para los cuarenta y seis ocupantes del avion Fokker 50 de Avianca, que volaba de Bucaramanga a Bogota, el 12 de abril de 1999 se convirtio en una pesa...