A young princess named Gertrude and three different kings reign over a Pacific Ocean island with a unicorn. The eventful lives of the characters portray the struggle between good and evil, and the enduring power of love.
A young princess named Gertrude and three different kings reign over a Pacific Ocean island with a unicorn. The eventful lives of the characters portr...
This story is about a young princess named Gertrude, three different kings reigning over a Pacific Ocean island, and a unicorn. The eventful lives of its characters portray the struggle between good and evil, and the enduring power of love.
This story is about a young princess named Gertrude, three different kings reigning over a Pacific Ocean island, and a unicorn. The eventful lives of ...
Suppose you had a space flight emergency, and landed on a strange, unfamiliar world, with a "Regulator," master computer. How would you feel and react? what kind of an account of your doings would you leave. Read the book for one lady's answers.
Suppose you had a space flight emergency, and landed on a strange, unfamiliar world, with a "Regulator," master computer. How would you feel and react...
This book is meant to be the second part of Slice of Life. If you liked the first goodies, I hope you will enjoy these. I included three of the original stories to clarify some points and correct errors-A Story of Two Dolls; The Three Little Pigs According to Nana; and Snow White and the "House of Seven"--, and I added ten more, which makes thirteen, a "baker's dozen." Some of the questions I tried to answer here are: why did Snow White eat the apple? What happened to her children after "happily ever after?" Why do people collect stuffed animals but prefer real pets? What do mice think about...
This book is meant to be the second part of Slice of Life. If you liked the first goodies, I hope you will enjoy these. I included three of the origin...
This book is meant to be the second part of Slice of Life. If you liked the first goodies, I hope you will enjoy these. I included three of the original stories to clarify some points and correct errors-A Story of Two Dolls; The Three Little Pigs According to Nana; and Snow White and the "House of Seven"--, and I added ten more, which makes thirteen, a "baker's dozen." Some of the questions I tried to answer here are: why did Snow White eat the apple? What happened to her children after "happily ever after?" Why do people collect stuffed animals but prefer real pets? What do mice think about...
This book is meant to be the second part of Slice of Life. If you liked the first goodies, I hope you will enjoy these. I included three of the origin...
Instead of an "ivory tower" as a protected place in which to escape life, I prefer a pyramid symbol, which the Egyptians associated with immortality, our ultimate goal. The diminishing size also suggests the need for priorities and perspective. This poetry collection includes light-hearted verses about everyday things, serious discussions of environmental and political issues, and religious and spiritual themes. I hope you will discover peace and perspective as you journey up the "ivory pyramid."
Instead of an "ivory tower" as a protected place in which to escape life, I prefer a pyramid symbol, which the Egyptians associated with immortality, ...
Instead of an "ivory tower" as a protected place in which to escape life, I prefer a pyramid symbol, which the Egyptians associated with immortality, our ultimate goal. The diminishing size also suggests the need for priorities and perspective. This poetry collection includes light-hearted verses about everyday things, serious discussions of environmental and political issues, and religious and spiritual themes. I hope you will discover peace and perspective as you journey up the "ivory pyramid."
Instead of an "ivory tower" as a protected place in which to escape life, I prefer a pyramid symbol, which the Egyptians associated with immortality, ...