Im Kontext der konkreten historischen Situation analysiert der Autor die Gewalt der Moderne gegenuber fremden, nicht-westlichen Ordnungen am Beispiel der bolivianische Politik zur Kolonisierung des bis dahin unerschlossenen Tieflandes."
Im Kontext der konkreten historischen Situation analysiert der Autor die Gewalt der Moderne gegenuber fremden, nicht-westlichen Ordnungen am Beispiel ...
Multiculturalism has shaped identity politics in the Americas over the past decades, as illustrated by politics of recognition, affirmative action, and increasing numbers of internationally recognized cultural productions by members of ethnic minorities. Hinting at postcolonial legacies in political rhetoric and practice multiculturalism has also served as a driving force behind social movements in the Americas. Nevertheless, in current academic discussions and public debates on migration, globalization and identiy politics, concepts like new ethnicities, ethnic groupism, creolization,...
Multiculturalism has shaped identity politics in the Americas over the past decades, as illustrated by politics of recognition, affirmative action,...