While learning to count, all children will skip numbers. This is the second book in a series where a number is skipped while counting. Four Went on Vacation is the first book in this series. 8 has one especially exhausting day. By the time he falls asleep, 8 is so tired that he sleeps for 4 days. The narration of the book is about the adventures his friends, 5, 6, 7, and 9, have while 8 is sleeping. 5, 6, 7, and 9 go to the park, have a picnic at the lake, go fishing, go to the movies, have pizza, go the beach, and the Kids Rock concert. 8 is not happy when he finally wakes up. The book's...
While learning to count, all children will skip numbers. This is the second book in a series where a number is skipped while counting. Four Went on Va...
Martin is an old man doomed to die in a plane crash in the mountains. Just moments before his life reaches its end, he looks back and reflects upon his years, his victories and defeats.
Martin is an old man doomed to die in a plane crash in the mountains. Just moments before his life reaches its end, he looks back and reflects upon hi...