An up-to-date introduction to the rapidly evolving field of mobile IP. In addition to detailed coverage of motivation behind mobile IP and fundamental concepts of mobile IP like agent advertisement and discovery, registration and tunnelling, the book provides a comprehensive treatment of various associated technical issues such as security, TCP performance, multicasting and integration with wireless. The book has been written to serve as a text for network professionals who are yearning to acquire a clear understanding of this interesting field. It also covers ongoing research on possible...
An up-to-date introduction to the rapidly evolving field of mobile IP. In addition to detailed coverage of motivation behind mobile IP and fundamental...
Mobile IP: Present State and Future is an up-to-date introduction to the rapidly evolving field of mobile IP. In addition to detailed coverage of motivation behind mobile IP and fundamental concepts of mobile IP like agent advertisement and discovery, registration and tunneling, the book provides a comprehensive treatment of various associated technical issues such as security, TCP performance, multicasting and integration with wireless. The book has been written to serve as a text for network professionals who are yearning to acquire a clear understanding of this interesting...
Mobile IP: Present State and Future is an up-to-date introduction to the rapidly evolving field of mobile IP. In addition to detailed...