"The Orion Conspiracy" is a fast paced, entertaining tale of Charles and Ceci's worst nightmare regarding the reptilian agenda. With their dreams haunted by strange, sinister alien beings, and their unborn baby's life in great danger, they have to act fast to find a way to defeat the threat. It is here that they happen across an unlikely savior, who shares with them a simple truth that can free them from even the torturous threat of the alien race. In fact, it has the ultimate capacity to free them from any threat, no matter how huge, no...
Aliens, Conspiracy, and the Revelation of Truth
"The Orion Conspiracy" is a fast paced, entertaining tale of Charles and Ceci's worst nightmare ...
Setting Straight the Vegan Propaganda, Once and For All
Are you a vegan who's considering eating animal foods again, but you're afraid of the consequences? After months or years or even decades on a vegan diet, you've probably heard all the arguments: that animal products cause heart disease and osteoporosis, that animal agriculture is ruining the earth, that saturated fat will give you heart disease and meat will rot in your gut. But what if all those arguments were wrong? In his compelling new book, author Joey Lott goes through the arguments one by one, taking them apart at the...
Setting Straight the Vegan Propaganda, Once and For All
Are you a vegan who's considering eating animal foods again, but you're afraid of the c...
You're already free, you just haven't realized it yet
.".".first there are mountains and water. Then there are no mountains and no water. And then, there are mountains and water.""
In this new, fully revised second edition of Already Awake, Already Free, Joey Lott shares with us his unique vision of how we can develop our own realization of our inherent freedom. He makes no attempt to 'awaken' us, he strives only to point out that each and every one of us is already awake. We just don't always realize it.
And for die-hard fans of the original first edition, the great news is that...
You're already free, you just haven't realized it yet
.".".first there are mountains and water. Then there are no mountains and no water. And th...
As a society, we now have a new form of sanctioned bigotry: fat intolerance. We're told over and over again that more people worldwide are fatter than ever before in history and that's a huge problem Why? Simply because "fat is bad." There's an obesity epidemic going around and we've got to do something about it, quick It's been assumed that the winning solution is to eat less and exercise more. But have we even agreed on the problem? Is fat "really" all that bad?
Better Health is Only a Liposuction Away
We have assumed that being lazy leads to fatness and...
Fat is Bad...Right?
As a society, we now have a new form of sanctioned bigotry: fat intolerance. We're told over and over again that more people...
Coffee enemas and green smoothies. Colonics and laxatives. All the so-called "cleanses" that are out there today are meant to make you healthy, clean, and pure...but do they actually work? Can you really expel gallstones by drinking olive oil and citrus juice? Should you be consuming Epsom salts? No one seems to be asking if we should be doing these cleanses in the first place, though...until now. Author Joey Lott lays it all on the line with his latest book, "Cleansed." He digs into the most popular cleanses today, sharing tales of his own...
Is Your Colon Really in Need of Cleansing?
Coffee enemas and green smoothies. Colonics and laxatives. All the so-called "cleanses" that are out ...
Do you feel under pressure to dedicate your life to the pursuit of spiritual perfection? Do you struggle with the popular notions of abstinence and non-attachment as the only possible means of enlightenment? Are you tired of worrying about the karmic consequences of every decision you make? Relax In "Don't Change A Thing," Joey Lott shares a simple truth which will make your life infinitely easier.
Can I really stop worrying?
Yes Whilst many of us are deluded into believing that spirituality is a real and noble pursuit, Lott...
Tired of trying to attain spiritual perfection?
Do you feel under pressure to dedicate your life to the pursuit of spiritual perfection? Do you ...
Or are you a fat-worshipper? Should we eat less fat to protect our hearts? Should we eat a ketogenic diet (or become "fat-adapted")? Is the Weston A. Price foundation right when it says saturated fat is healthy? Should we take fish oil, the most popular supplement in North America, or is it a deadly poison? Polyunsaturated, monounsaturated, saturated, hydrogenated-what's the deal with all these fats? Which ones should we eat, and which ones should we give up?
Has Our Fear of Fat Been Misplaced?
Welcome to the fat wars. For the past sixty years, we've been...
Are You Afraid of Fat?
Or are you a fat-worshipper? Should we eat less fat to protect our hearts? Should we eat a ketogenic diet (or become "fat...
Current culture conditions us to believe that we're indelibly scarred by the events of our past. If we've had past experiences that have been harmful or traumatic, then in many cases, no matter how much time has passed, we will still today be struggling to deal with those experiences and the personal impact they've had. We can often feel ourselves to be completely enslaved to our past.
In Joey Lott's "Free from the Past" we learn that, however great our bondage to the past may seem, we have the ability to free ourselves by the simple act of...
Do you feel burdened by your past?
Current culture conditions us to believe that we're indelibly scarred by the events of our past. If we've had...
Joey Lott shares his wisdom from more than twenty years of direct, personal experience with obsessive compulsive behavior. He gives a frank and honest account of how his own personal obsession took hold, detailing the way in which one single childhood incident set off a chain-reaction of behavioral abnormalities that led him down a spiral of destruction. Lott explains how he reached rock bottom, and from there takes his readers on a return journey back through the panic and the terror that obsessive-compulsive behavior feeds upon, showing...
Struggling with obsessive-compulsive behavior?
Joey Lott shares his wisdom from more than twenty years of direct, personal experience with obses...
Do you find yourself worrying endlessly about what other people think of you? Are you always desperately trying to please your boss, your parents or your partner? Do you even lose sleep over what strangers think of you? You are not alone Millions of us fret ourselves witless, all snared within the approval trap alike.
""The approval trap can be crippling. The craving for approval is insatiable. In fact, the more you feed it, the bigger it becomes.""
So, what can we do about it?
How much time do you waste chasing approval?...
Are you constantly worrying about approval?
Do you find yourself worrying endlessly about what other people think of you? Are you always despera...