The adventures of a renowned American fighter pilot-in his own words After initially enlisting as an ambulance driver during the Great War, American born Wellman transferred into the French Foreign Legion. By the end of 1917 he had earned his wings as a fighter pilot and had joined N. 87 escadrille of the Lafayette Flying Corps. The 'Black Cats' flew Nieuport 'pursuit' aircraft-first 17s and latterly 24s. Wellman named his own plane Celia-after his mother. In his career as a fighter pilot Wellman chalked up three confirmed 'kills' and five 'probables' before eventually being shot down by...
The adventures of a renowned American fighter pilot-in his own words After initially enlisting as an ambulance driver during the Great War, Ameri...
The adventures of a renowned American fighter pilot-in his own words After initially enlisting as an ambulance driver during the Great War, American born Wellman transferred into the French Foreign Legion. By the end of 1917 he had earned his wings as a fighter pilot and had joined N. 87 escadrille of the Lafayette Flying Corps. The 'Black Cats' flew Nieuport 'pursuit' aircraft-first 17s and latterly 24s. Wellman named his own plane Celia-after his mother. In his career as a fighter pilot Wellman chalked up three confirmed 'kills' and five 'probables' before eventually being shot down by...
The adventures of a renowned American fighter pilot-in his own words After initially enlisting as an ambulance driver during the Great War, Ameri...