Alguien se interpuso entre Lee y Leslie Strobel, amenazando Con hacer naufragar Su matrimonio. Pero no fue un viejo Amor, fue Jesucristo. La decision de Leslie de convertirse en una seguidora de Jesus trajo una oposicion candente de su esceptico esposo. Comenzaron a experimentar conflictos sobre diferentes asuntos, desde las finanzas hasta la crianza de los hijos. Pero con el tiempo, Leslie aprendio como sobrevivir a un matrimonio desigual. Hoy ambos son cristianos, y ellos desean que tu sepas que hay esperanza si tu eres cristiano y estas casado con un incredulo. En su libro intensamente...
Alguien se interpuso entre Lee y Leslie Strobel, amenazando Con hacer naufragar Su matrimonio. Pero no fue un viejo Amor, fue Jesucristo. La decision ...
Lee Strobel was the legal editor for the Chicago Tribune, a Yale graduate, and an atheist when his wife, Leslie, became a Christian early in their marriage. She began going to church; she found new friends; she became a different person. But Lee didn't believe in any of it. Both Lee and Leslie felt they were losing each other.
Despite all the emotional clashes they experienced, God answered Leslie's prayers in miraculous ways. He gave her peace when she was feeling worried, gave her friends to walk with her, and gave her his Holy Spirit to comfort and guide her. Over time, she...
Lee Strobel was the legal editor for the Chicago Tribune, a Yale graduate, and an atheist when his wife, Leslie, became a Christian early in their ...