No Time to Say Goodbye is a fictional account of five children sent to aboriginal boarding school, based on the recollections of a number of Tsartlip First Nations people. These unforgettable children are taken by government agents from Tsartlip Day School to live at Kuper Island Residential School. The five are isolated on the small island and life becomes regimented by the strict school routine. They experience the pain of homesickness and confusion while trying to adjust to a world completely different from their own. Their lives are no longer organized by fishing, hunting and...
No Time to Say Goodbye is a fictional account of five children sent to aboriginal boarding school, based on the recollections of a number of ...
Vince Hardy wohnt in einem kleinen Dorf an der kanadischen Westküste. Die Bevölkerung besteht sowohl aus Weißen, als auch aus Indianern. Beide haben fast nichts miteinander zu tun. Vince ist der Meinung, dass das so seine Richtigkeit hat. Bis er sich in eine Indianerin verliebt. Eine Herausforderung für die Gesellschaft und nicht zuletzt für ihn selbst.
Vince Hardy wohnt in einem kleinen Dorf an der kanadischen Westküste. Die Bevölkerung besteht sowohl aus Weißen, als auch aus Indianern. Beide habe...
On a fresh spring day, young Yetsa, her mother and her grandmother gather to prepare the sheep fleeces piled in Grandma's yard. As they clean, wash and dry the fleece, laughter and hard work connect the three generations. Through Yetsa's sensual experience of each task, the reader joins this family in an old but vibrant tradition: the creation of Cowichan sweaters. Each sweater is unique, and its design tells a story. In Yetsa's Sweater, that story is one of love, welcome and pride in a job well done.
On a fresh spring day, young Yetsa, her mother and her grandmother gather to prepare the sheep fleeces piled in Grandma's yard. As they clean, wash an...