Witty and wise, playful and philosophical, the poems and other short writings of German poet Michael Augustin are typically terse but luminous, and speak directly to the reader.
Witty and wise, playful and philosophical, the poems and other short writings of German poet Michael Augustin are typically terse but luminous, and sp...
Witty and wise, playful and philosophical, the poems and other short writings of German poet Michael Augustin are typically terse but luminous, and speak directly to the reader.
Witty and wise, playful and philosophical, the poems and other short writings of German poet Michael Augustin are typically terse but luminous, and sp...
Nouvelle edition, revue et completee, du livre "La vraie histoire de la Marche des Beurs," paru en octobre 2013. Chomage, pauvrete, ratonnades et meurtres racistes, rodeos et delinquance forment un melange explosif aux Minguettes, une cite sensible pres de Lyon. Le 20 juin 1983 a 2h du matin, un maitre-chien de la police tire sur Toumi Djaidja. La balle transperce le ventre du jeune president de l'association SOS Avenir Minguettes. Une flaque de sang se repand en bas de la tour numero 10, dite "tour de la mort." Le coup de feu de trop ? Quatre mois plus tard, une dizaine de jeunes et quelques...
Nouvelle edition, revue et completee, du livre "La vraie histoire de la Marche des Beurs," paru en octobre 2013. Chomage, pauvrete, ratonnades et meur...