At the beginning of this series of volumes on Color Chemistry, the editors pointed to a number of events that have served as stimuli for techno logical advances in the field, thus preventing dyestuff manufacturing from becoming what might otherwise be viewed by now as a 'sunset industry'. The volumes which followed have provided ample evidence for our belief that the field of colour chemistry is very much alive, though arguably in need of further stimulus. For instance, a viable approach to the design of new chromophores and to the design of metal-free acid, direct, and reactive dyes having...
At the beginning of this series of volumes on Color Chemistry, the editors pointed to a number of events that have served as stimuli for techno logica...
Although the research actIvItIes of dyestuff chemists worldwide have been influenced to a great extent, in recent years, by the need to respond to a variety of environmental issues associated with the manufacture and application of synthetic dyes and pigments, a significant level of targeted research continues to be devoted to new chemistry aimed at enhancing the technical properties of dyes in commerce. This book is a presentation of various aspects of basic research conducted during the past decade but not reported in the recent review literature. The coverage herein is unique in that it...
Although the research actIvItIes of dyestuff chemists worldwide have been influenced to a great extent, in recent years, by the need to respond to a v...