This volume documents the latest advances in condition monitoring. Particular emphasis is palced on the profitability issues which can be gained by introducing condition monitoring technology in manufacturing systems.
This volume documents the latest advances in condition monitoring. Particular emphasis is palced on the profitability issues which can be gained by in...
This volume documents the latest advances in condition monitoring. Particular emphasis is given to the profitability issues which can be gained by introducing condition monitoring technology in manufacturing systems. The book will be essential reading for engineers and management involved in manufacturing and production.
This volume documents the latest advances in condition monitoring. Particular emphasis is given to the profitability issues which can be gained by int...
Recent innovations in experimental techniques such as molecular and cluster beam epitaxy, supersonic jet expansion, matrix isolation and chemical synthesis are increasingly enabling researchers to produce materials by design and with atomic dimension. These materials constrained by sire, shape, and symmetry range from clusters containing as few as two atoms to nanoscale materials consisting of thousands of atoms. They possess unique structuraI, electronic, magnetic and optical properties that depend strongly on their size and geometry. The availability of these materials raises many...
Recent innovations in experimental techniques such as molecular and cluster beam epitaxy, supersonic jet expansion, matrix isolation and chemical synt...