Recent years have seen major advances in the understanding and treatment of health anxiety and hypochondriasis, particulary in relation to the cognitive behavioural approach to anxiety. This volume brings together this knowledge of psychological and pharmacological treatments of health anxiety, and relates it to a conceptual framework which provides a basis for assessment, treatment and ongoing research.
"Asmundson, Taylor and Cox have assembled a group of world class scientists and practitioners for this book. The chapters provide a wealth of information on the causes,...
Recent years have seen major advances in the understanding and treatment of health anxiety and hypochondriasis, particulary in relation to the cogniti...
The philosophy behind this research methods text is to provide practical, how-to guidance in an accessible format. The authors hope to reach clinical students and postdoctoral trainees at the early stages of training to muster excitement by showing that research need not be either dull or threatening. Their goal is to "demystify the research process," with a style that is informative yet easy-to-read, humorous, and user friendly. One of our reviewers puts it best when he describes the book as "a true paperback' research mentor." The authors hope to hook students on research early in their...
The philosophy behind this research methods text is to provide practical, how-to guidance in an accessible format. The authors hope to reach clinical ...
Grounded in current theory and treatment research, this highly practical book presents a comprehensive framework for assessing and treating health anxiety, including full-blown and milder (subclinical) forms of hypochondriasis.
Grounded in current theory and treatment research, this highly practical book presents a comprehensive framework for assessing and treating health anx...
The Science of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy describes the scientific approach of CBT, reviews the efficacy and validity of the CBT model, and exemplifies important differences and commonalities of CBT approaches.
The overarching principle of CBT interventions is that cognitions causally influence emotional experiences and behaviors. The book reviews recent mediation studies, experimental studies, and neuroimaging studies in affective neuroscience that support the basic model of CBT, as well as those that clarify the mechanisms of treatment change.
Additionally, the...
The Science of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy describes the scientific approach of CBT, reviews the efficacy and validity of the CBT model, an...